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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) : Controls & Buttons


Yappy Console





  X     Y     L  

  B    A    R  

Buttons Fuction


The side buttons (left and right) are used mainly to exit, credit, select when you are in the emulator windows.  The X, Y, L, B, A, R are used mainly during game play and in Emulationstation.



Exit out of Emulator.  Example: If you are in M.A.M.E or SNES and you want to exit to go back to Emulationstation, hitting the combi or just the ESC buttons will launch you back to Emulationstation


SELECT (also CREDIT button)

To put credits (i.e. lives) when you are in a game.


ENTER (also START button)

To start the game



Exit out of Emulator and back to Emulationstation



In M.A.M.E., it allows you to re-configure or assign shoot, punch, credit, etc to the available buttons.


X, Y, L, B, A, R

Most of the time, the simple games (i.e. like Space Invaders, Rally X etc) requires just the B and A buttons.  For Street Fighter, it will require all 6 buttons (3 punches, 3 kicks).


Bluetooth Button Fuctions


The figure on the right is self explanatory.

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